Hiw to Allow Bats Out but Back in

One-Way Bat Door

One-way Bat Door is one of many humane, bat removal products that claim success in evicting bats from a structure. Including the bat cone or the one-way bat exclusion device, such products all work in the same way.  They allow bats out of, but not back into a structure as part of a live bat exclusion.  But not every One-way Bat Door on the market is equal to the task, and none of them are as innovative or as versatile as The Bat Valve.

One-Way Bat Door

The Bat Valve works as an One-Way Bat Door in many bat entry point locations.

Unfortunately, bats do not use nice circular, square or rectangular openings that come with an accommodating range of sizes to suit an average One-way Bat Door. This is not a cat flap or a dog door!  Bats choose gaps, cracks or slits, usually high up in the most awkward and difficult to reach positions on a structure.  Unlike other nuisance animals, bats do not make these holes themselves but find their way in through the smallest of spaces.  Little Brown or Large Brown Bats may roost in buildings or chimneys and they can squeeze through an opening the size of a dime (3/8").  The Bat Valve solves all the problems faced by the average One-Way Bat Door.

Bat removal professionals themselves designed The Bat Valve, combining over 15 years of experience and expertise.  Knowing all about the humane device they need for every job, they made a product that works in any situation, a One-way Bat Door that they trust every time.  Wildlife control operators and household users can buy and rely upon The Bat Valve, quality-made here in the US.

Affix The Bat Valve to brick, wood, vinyl, metal or concrete – on chimneys, walls, siding, eaves, roofs, vents or any construction gap.  The Bat Valve comes complete with a self-supporting bat tube and one of THREE quality bat valve adapters.  Each of these will handle the most common bat entry/exit points on a structure.  Choose the adapter design that best suits any problem area:

  • SG3 for soffit returns/gable vents.
  • FLEX2 for corner gaps/awkward locations (ideal for use over bathroom exhaust vents for bird eviction too!).
  • FR4 for ridge vents/rake and frieze board gaps.

Live bat exclusion, together with "bat proofing" a structure is a complex process.  If done improperly, the bats will either return or never even leave.  It is difficult enough to install every One-way Bat Door correctly, but it is potentially dangerous whenever working up a ladder or on a roof.  If in doubt, always consult a licensed bat removal professional for help. How to Choose a Bat Removal Specialist

Bat Control Professional installing one-way bat door

Bat Control Professional installing one-way bat door

For any installer though, fitting a One-way Bat exit is much quicker and easier when using The Bat Valve.  As usual for a live bat exclusion, seal up all but a few of the essential entry points that the bats use.  Upon each of these, install The Bat Valve, attach the self-supporting bat tube and adjust it, achieving the best possible angle for the bats to leave but not return. This is the first stage and it may take a few days for all the bats to leave.  Then remove each One-way Bat Door and seal up the remaining holes to "bat proof" the structure.  Up to this point, all the work happens from the outside.

The success rate for The Bat Valve is 100% guaranteed, but never install or use any One-way Bat Door without first knowing the law.  Federal law and state regulations protect all bats and their habitats.  Always check before beginning or carrying out a live bat exclusion because state regulations may vary according to bat species and populations.

The Bat Valve is the only One-way Bat Door to choose, and comes with The Bat Valve promise, 100% guaranteed.  Buy and use The Bat Valve with confidence.  Visit this page to place an order.

Tags: One-way bat door – bat removal products – live bat exclusion – The Bat Valve – bat removal professionals – nuisance animals – wildlife control operators – self-supporting bat tube – bat valve adapters – bat proofing –

Hiw to Allow Bats Out but Back in

Source: https://www.thebatvalve.com/one-way-bat-door/

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